Change gamestage calculation(alpha16.4)
It does not guarantee anything about defects and damage that occurs when you run this program. Please use at your own risk.
This SDX sample eliminates the influence of player level from the calculation of character's gamestage so that it will stage up by the number of days of survival.
gamestages.xml //gamestages/config/@GameStageMode
GameStageMode = 0 Calculation of default.
GameStageMode = 1 Calculation of gamestage going up with days alive without the effect of playerlevel.
<config GameStageMode ="1" startingWeight="1" scavengerGameDifficultyBonus="0" adventurerGameDifficultyBonus="0.1" nomadGameDifficultyBonus="0.2" warriorGameDifficultyBonus="0.6" survivalistGameDifficultyBonus="1.0" insaneGameDifficultyBonus="1.5" daysAliveDifficultyBonus="0.1" daysAliveChangeWhenKilled="2" diminishingReturns="0.2" />
this mod used by 7 days to die mod editor
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