affect the game stage in the wilderness spawn(alpha16.4)
It does not guarantee anything about defects and damage that occurs when you run this program. Please use at your own risk.
this sdx sample is To affect the game stage in the wilderness spawn and make wandering horde's game stage 50 or more and loop at maximum stage -50
gamestages.xml //gamestages/config
WanderingHordeStageMax Set the maximum of wandering horde's game stage.
GamestageUpdateWaitTime Set the interval to calculate the game stage of wilderness. The unit is one hour in the game time.
<config GameOverMode ="1" startingWeight="1" scavengerGameDifficultyBonus="0" adventurerGameDifficultyBonus="0.1" nomadGameDifficultyBonus="0.2" warriorGameDifficultyBonus="0.6" survivalistGameDifficultyBonus="1.0" insaneGameDifficultyBonus="1.5" daysAliveDifficultyBonus="0.1" daysAliveChangeWhenKilled="2" diminishingReturns="0.2" WanderingHordeStageMax="100" GamestageUpdateWaitTime="0.5" />
spawning.xml //spawning/biome/spawn/[@entitygroup] changes to reference gamestages.xml //gamestages/spawner[@name] from entitygroups.xml //entitygroups//entitygroup[@name]
this mod used by 7 days to die mod editor
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